
We opened our 2022 exhibition on Wednesday 22 June!

Come and discover the magnificent achievements of craftsmen until the end of October at the HDLD.

A huge thank you to them! You can come and meet some of them during events that we will communicate to you gradually.

  • Sarah Amet-Gaultier, styling
  • Cécile Auréjac, ceramics
  • Nathalie Bagot, stained glass window
  • Sarah Barthélémy-Sibi, paper work
  • Laurent Beyne, glass
  • Solange Blanchard, lace
  • Nadine Bonnardet, furniture painting
  • Dominique Bornoz, lace
  • Sylvie Deschamps, gold thread embroidery
  • Esther Farrache, jewellery
  • Jean-Jacques Gentil, ceramic
  • Audrey Ginoux, upholstery
  • Marie-France Gueugnot, lace
  • Florence Grellier, upholstery
  • Marie Heyraud, stained glass window
  • Muriel Leclerc, basketry
  • Laurent Mollon, contemporary furniture
  • Marie-Aline Nouyrigat, lace
  • Pierre Pagès, ironwork
  • Sandrine Poulet-Berger, cardboard furniture
  • Jean-Eddy Rémy, Haitian iron art
  • Eddy Saint-Martin, silk painting
  • Valérie Vallat, paper lamp
  • Adrien Vidal, woodwork 

Brioude deserves its Ville et Métiers d'Art label!