The workshop, the cultural space and the shop are accessible to people with disabilities.


The training center of the HDLD offers several formulas à la carte, from the initiation of an hour, alone or with family, to the training of excellence about the “Cluny Polychrome de Brioude”. You can allocate your training hours as you like over a period of one year from the date of purchase. The reservation of slots is only possible by phone to check the availability of the workshop with the following contact : 04 71 74 80 02.

Courses rates 2024

Professional training

CAP Arts de la Dentelle, option fuseaux, fiche RNCP 515.

You can use your Compte Personnel de Formation (Personal Training Account) to train in bobbin lace under the supervision of the lacemakers of the workshop. You must create your account then indicate in the search engine the word «lace» in training, click on «training center» and indicate «43100 Brioude» in the location. You will then find our center with a proposal for 12,000 euros which is the average cost of training. All our courses are individualized and adapted in cost and schedule to the experience and desires of each. You just have to call us on 04 71 74 80 02 and we will finalize together the registration for which you will choose the exact amount of your CPF that you want to use with us. We will establish a training plan accordingly, taking into account your availability for this training. We will also send you a list of partner accommodations to facilitate your stay. Housing costs are not eligible for CPF funding. Only the cost of your training will be taken into account by the Caisse des Dépôts. This training is financed solely by the training rights of workers under French law.


The training center welcomes groups whose people wish to come together as part of a discovery or improvement stay.

The HDLD team also travels on request for group training.